However, the influence of Saturn in Leo makes me a bit reclusive, wary of "celebrity" and the vulgar hype that surrounds it - and yet another part of me, like everybody else, craves fame and fortune. In effect, the internal contradictions in my programming seem to have sabotaged all my efforts to attain my dream of "heaven on earth" (initially for me, and then for every living creature, every sentient soul in existence!)
Recently I made a conscious decision to deactivate my protective cynicism and stop being suspicious of "entrepreneurs" in general and MLM schemes in particular. Knowing I could never really be comfortable being in door-to-door sales, I opted to do some selling online, of what promises to be a very well-designed product, backed by some of the most charismatic personalities in marketing and success coaching: The Secret Science of Getting Rich home seminar and affiliate program.
I realize that those in greatest need of these powerful "attitude-adjusting" tools probably believe they can't afford the stiff price tag - and are therefore likely to dismiss the whole thing out of hand. The ones most likely to sign up are those already doing pretty well - but who desire to achieve even greater results. If you happen to be in the latter category, go ahead and take the plunge. It's only cold for the first few seconds - and then I bet you'll be having the time of your life! :-)
To view my pictorial bio, please click here.